Biometrics in Patient Care

calendar_month June 30, 2022

Biometrics is making its way into every industry today and has been instigating the need to implement biometrics, particularly for identity needs. In healthcare, the significant demand for...

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How does Iris Recognition System Work?

calendar_month June 17, 2022

Iris Recognition is a fool proof biometric based identity solution. It is the process of taking a high contrast photo of a person’s Iris and storing in the database, which later is used for...

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Types of Fingerprint Recognition Techniques

calendar_month June 10, 2022

Fingerprint Recognition refers to the computerized technique of verifying a suit between two human fingerprints. Fingerprints are one of many types of biometrics...

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How biometrics help in Law Enforcement?

calendar_month May 20, 2022

In 2019, a middle-aged man was caught at the Washington Dulles International Airport for carrying a false French passport. The airport authorities used facial recognition, compared his data with...

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Using biometrics for SIM Card registration

calendar_month May 13, 2022

Many countries are now making it mandatory for their citizens to use biometrics for SIM card registration. This is to curb the use of mobile phones as a potential weapon for unscrupulous...

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Open Source Biometrics

calendar_month May 6, 2022

Being a reliable and convenient method of access control, biometrics is widely being used throughout the world. Starting from unlocking your smartphone to authorizing identity cards of national or...

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How biometrics can help to secure big data?

calendar_month April 29, 2022

Big data refers to extremely large data sets that may be analysed computationally to reveal patterns, trends, and associations, especially relating to human behaviour and interactions. Big data is...

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Importance of biometric data analysis for modern day business

calendar_month April 22, 2022

Businesses today collect data from various sources. This data can be at risk from hackers and other security risks. This can cause serious problems to businesses. Apart from outside hackers,...

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Wearable Biometrics and their applications

calendar_month April 15, 2022

Biometrics commonly refers to the identification or authentication of individuals by using biological characteristics like fingerprint, iris, shape of the face, etc. Biometrics also refers to the...

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Applications of biometrics in the Security of Manufacturing Industry

calendar_month March 21, 2022

Automation is the new way to increase the capabilities regarding production in many industries. The application of biometrics as security is gaining more power because of the better processing of...

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How have biometrics changed our lives post-pandemic?

calendar_month March 14, 2022

IT and the global market are still emerging from the pandemic. The scenario has exposed the need for many things, and one of them is elevated security measures and advanced technologies for...

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How is The Individual Privacy Protected in Biometric Applications?

calendar_month March 7, 2022

Biometric testing is used to authenticate an individual’s characteristics based on physicality, DNA, and behaviour. Let us look at how individual privacy is protected in biometric...

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